6 Steps To Build Personas Like a Boss

Voice of the customer research to build personas like a boss
Steve Jobs once said:“Get closer than ever to your customers. So close, in fact, that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves.”So I have a couple of questions. When’s the last time you conduc... More

The 10-Step MaaS Method For Early Stage Startups

So you know how there's Seed stage, Series A, B, C etc. but have you heard of the "Oh Crap" stage?Over the past 4+ years, I've worked with a lot of early stage startups. Early stage startups are a mess. Socks hanging over the lampshade, toilet... More

36 Startups Share Their Top Creative Marketing Ideas

Creativity in business is fascinating to me.This is coming from someone that used to oil paint dogs on canvas in high school AP Art class. The theme for my end-of-year art show was “dogs with human emotions.” Clearly I was a little obsessed with dogs... More

This Content Strategy Canvas Is What You've Been Missing

In my work with early stage startups, I've seen some of the ways that they approach their content strategies. Sometimes there's structure, but usually it's all over the place.It's not their fault, though.I haven't really seen any visual diagrams that would help startup founders and ... More

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