Monthly Newsletter - March 2020


Lots has happened since the last time I wrote to you. These days, when I wake up in the morning, I immediately remember that things are very different. Personally, I’m trying to focus on the few things I can control (e.g. social distancing, virtual community, enjoying time with my kids, daily fresh air).

This month, I’d like to share these 4 things with you. Let me know what resonates (or what doesn’t!):


1. Furmanov Fun Fact: Did you know that the quietest room in the world is located at Microsoft’s headquarters in Redmond, WA? “If you stand in it for long enough, you start to hear your heartbeat...When you move, your bones make a grinding noise.” So eerie, so awesome.


2. #value: I honestly never thought I’d be homeschooling, but here goes! I like to plan out my own daily schedule, so I thought we’d do the same thing for the kids. They’re excited (so far). Can’t guarantee there will be good behavior after Dismissal.


3. #value: I’m curious. Do you revisit your marketing plan throughout the year, to make sure you’re staying on track towards your goals, and pivoting as needed based on internal/external factors? Are you actively re-thinking your marketing strategy based on the current crisis? It’s not about your product or service (actually, it never was). It’s about how to authentically help your prospects and customers THRIVE during this crisis (and you don’t need to be a video conferencing tool).


Here’s my recommended method for marketing plan creation. It’s simple and straightforward (just what we need right now!). Let me know what you think.


Even better, let me know if you’d like to have virtual coffee together. I’d love to chat about marketing, homeschooling, anything on your mind these days.


4. #miscellaneous: I’ve noticed a lot of people on social giving advice on how to stay ramped and keep chugging while working from home. While I get that we should continue to stay productive, I will say this is the PERFECT opportunity to slow down (and feel OK about it). Introspection. Quiet time. Noticing blades of grass poking through the dirt. Time to turn off our auto-pilot and see what life looks and feels like when we think more about personal growth, health, friends, family, etc. We owe it to ourselves.


Please stay healthy, and connected.

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